Seeing Beyond is Talk Radio with a Mission!
2014 Predictions by Jo-Anne Rohn-Cook2014 Predictions
by Jo-Anne Rohn-Cook This is the year of empowering love. 2014 will find us more compassionate and objective. Compassion is a carryover from 2013 and we need to get to the "finish line" of love. Conflict and confusion have plagued many individuals in 2013. Old beliefs were sent sailing with lots of judgements being released. Freedom is coming; ushered in by the winds of change. Life will be rearranged, turned upside down and restored to a better balance. What seems like the "end" will bring about a new beginning. April exposes political disputes and will settle decades of misunderstandings. Countries will hold respect for each other and focus less on the differences. We will find inspiration in everyday events and realize that we are inspiring others as well. You can't give what you don't have. Your awareness will create a shift in attitude and altitude. This allows space for love to expand your life, lift your spirits,and restore peace and harmony. The world is longing for the final judgements to end and compassion to step into our lives. With the speeding up of time every aspect of our lives will be supported quickly with an outcome. Life is exposing the cause and consequence of our thoughts and actions; which leaves no room for guessing. Wisdom replaces doubt and brings about greater compassion and acceptance. Energy goes where thought flows. Watch what you think and say. No one is more affected by your words than you.--- no one has heard your voice more than you have. We create by our words and thoughts----listen to your self talk. Balance and power are within each of you. Life is waiting in the "wings" ready to be birthed into freedom. Life is beautiful---Come fly with me! Love is the energy of life. LIFE IS THE SONG AND LOVE IS THE MUSIC--Everyone gets to play their part. Jo-Anne Rohn-Cook About Jo-Anne Rohn-Cook: Jo-Anne Rohn-Cook is director
of Holistic Health Center; a nutritional intuitive, author of five books,
has helped thousands reclaim their health and take charge of their lives.
Call 1-800-957-4852 for a free evaluation and information. Contact Information: Jo-Anne Rohn-Cook Holistic Health Center 305 Main Street Fort Morgan, CO 80701 (970) 867-4852 |