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2012 Predictions by Jessica Murray

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Seeing Beyond

Astrologers see a crossroads being reached in 2012: a cosmic line in the sand. Humanity is faced with immense decisions about the planetary survival; this transit tells us it’s do-or-die time to face up to our responsibilities as steward of Earth. The amount of consciousness that people bring to those decisions will determine the future in more critical ways than ever before.

This coming year humanity will be confronting the fact that global warming has not been arrested, but has increased. The myriad infrastructural issues made necessary by rising sea levels, decreased accessibility to arable land, species extinction and freak weather conditions will all be on the agenda. Extremely destructive policies, such as the pipeline and fracking in the USA and the building of dams and pipelines in the Amazon and Africa, will effectively force awareness, waking up those who had been in denial and radicalizing those who had been ambivalent.

What astrologers call “the Cardinal Cross” (for more detail, please refer to mothersky.com) is a pattern of planets that will have its first two series of peaks in 2012 (the rest will take place over the next four years). This transit system started forming four years ago, when Wall Street melted down; and we expect the next major stage of that melt- down to make itself known in 2012.

On the geopolitical level, political revolutions will heat up further, with some governments toppling not because of autocratic rulers but because of insolvency. Governmental and financial structures are both governed by Capricorn; the transit of Pluto (decay) through Capricorn is the main ingredient of what’s going on right now. Financial systems will continue to be exposed as incapable, corrupt or both. The Fed, the Euro, the IMF and the World Bank will continue to lose control of the economies of Europe and the USA, and will be subject to increased critical scrutiny.

Meanwhile the fact that the dollar is teetering on the brink will become a main topic of global conversation. China will continue its trajectory towards becoming the next global hegemon, especially if it continues to pull ahead of the US in terms of sustainable energy research and production.

However, it is also likely that the Uranus-Pluto square will wreak havoc with China’s leadership so long as it continues to repress and censor dissent. Both it and the USA will be subject to more Occupy-Wall- Street- type challenges, exposing the income gap that now holds sway everywhere in the world. A very old, established leadership model, that of patriarchal authority, is dying. 2012 is the threshold for this process to announce itself as irrevocable.

That does not mean it will die gracefully. The One-Per-Cent identified by the OWS movement as holding on to the vast majority of the world’s wealth will hunker down and resist, using the media outlets at their disposal to counter the swelling tide.

As 2011 came to a close, the next phase of the Uranus-Pluto expressed itself when the powers-that-be (Pluto) conducted a synchronized crack down of US Occupy encampments (Uranus), coordinated between the Department of Homeland Security, government agencies and police (see http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/ cifamerica/2011/nov/25/shocking-truth-about-crackdown-occupy). Such reactions will be ascendant in 2012 as the status quo pushes back against change.

The American mass media will increasingly play a role in this backlash, as Mars spends the lion’s share of the year provoking the USA chart, as well as transiting Neptune and Chiron, signifiers of chaos and confusion in the public conversation. We can expect Congressional attempts to curtail the freedom of the internet.

But the Aries component of the Cross promises an outpouring of newly reinvigorated social activists, environmental visionaries, engineers with new ideas about sustainable energy, proponents of genuine democracy and spiritual seekers focused on healing the Earth.

About Jessica Murray

Astrologer and writer Jessica Murray brings to light the spiritual underpinnings that shape both the personal and collective experience of our time. At Brown University in the 1970s Jessica studied fine arts and Jungian psychology. She has been practicing astrology in San Francisco for more than 35 years. She can be reached through her website, MotherSky.com, which features a monthly skywatch, blog, and downloadable lectures; including a series on the transformational years between now and 2023.


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