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2012 Predictions by Linda Crose-Andersen

Predictions for 2012

    Prediction for 2012

    I see a definite shift in perception for the year 2012. There has been a severe uneasiness for the past few years. It has much to do with all the change we have experienced and the fear of the unknown.

    A positive shift should occur in the Spring most likely around March. For the sensitive this could be a major metamorphosis for the better. There will be a feeling of “lightness” for all, a feeling that whatever burden we have been carrying will disappear. We will find solutions to what has been troubling us. This is the year where the less adventurous step out of their comfort zone and find many blessings and gifts awaiting them.

    This year could be the one you have been waiting for, be grateful for the gifts you receive and be sure to keep in close contact with your Angels! Most of all, do not forget to say Thank You!

    Message from Archangel Michael

    Be strong my children, banish all fear. What you seek may all be yours, just ask and you shall receive.

    About Linda Crose-Andersen

    Linda Crose-Andersen, a Natural Intuitive, talks about how she specializes in Angel Readings, Celtic Runes and the Tarot. Her high standard of ethics and respect allow her to provide clients with insights into relationships, family, career or any challenge facing them. 



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