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Predictions for 2012 by Paul Minar

2012 “Seeing Beyond”Predictions by Paul Minar, AIN

Master Numerologist & Author,
"Numbers, The Energy Forces in Your Name"

CHANGE is the key word for 2012

The Mayan predictions have generated a great deal of fear regarding happenings on the planet this year. Predictions of Nostradamus have added more apprehension. Aside from fears of cataclysmic upheavals, fires, floods, sunamis, tornados, and hurricanes people are concerned about a global economic collapse, slipping back into a recession or even a depression. GLOBAL ECONOMIC HARD TIMES will continue in 2012. Economists agree that we are experiencing a gradual recovery but don’t expect an acceptable level of relief until 2016. The main ingredient in America’s recovery is JOBS. Stock market gains don’t reflect the misery connected with poverty. Until outsourcing of jobs and manufacturing are ended the slowly recovering economy will not include the vanishing middle class. Minimum wage or entry level jobs are not the answer because these individuals can not adequately support their families or themselves, for that matter, and they can not spend enough money to positively impact the national economy. A good sign of America’s recovery would be a significant number of MADE IN AMERICA tags on products. There is nothing isolationist about taking care of our families first.

You can also expect RADICAL WEATHER PATTERNS to continue, impacting some global food supplies. It’s time now for wealthier nations to pool their resources and fill strategically located warehouses in preparation for these happenings, but that should be an ongoing plan of preparedness anyway. The thought of a shift in the earth’s magnetic poles conjures up pictures of all sorts of dire earth changes happening. Of all the earth changes RISING WATER LEVELS present the most frightening and damaging possibility, but melting ice in the Northern region has been a red flag for years already. Lessons learned from the Japan earthquake, and the flooding it caused, should help prevent the same situation worldwide. America has already experienced extreme weather patterns in 2011 – blizzards and freezing temperatures, tornados, flooding, heat waves, drought - and we can expect more of the same in 2012. Whatever happens in 2012 the greatest fear is, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “fear itself”. And whatever happens, it will be for our greater good in the long run, and in the short run we will, as always, deal with it courageously. People everywhere pull together in times of great need, and now we can view these heroic acts on television, motivating us all to want to help with donations of money, food, clothing, shelter, medical supplies and love.

2012 will be a 5 UNIVERSAL YEAR. The number 5 is primarily the number of CHANGE. It is also the number of ACTIVITY, COMMUNICATION, FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY. The 5 is the WORK HORSE number of 2012 because it provides the RESILIENCE needed to withstand all of the challenges of this year and to make the necessary adjustments in order to emerge from chaos and build for the future. The end result of these attributes will be EXPANSION and GROWTH in all areas of human endeavors. Expect startling announcements involving INNOVATION and DISCOVERY particularly in the MEDICAL FIELD regarding disease prevention, treatment and cures – new biotech breakthroughs in cancer, AIDS, asthma, portable dialysis, speech restoration and muscle stimulation, to name a few. A negative side of the 5 Universal Year energies is the extreme misunderstanding and application of those energies for FREEDOM. Worldwide unrest and revolution started in Egypt and quickly spread to Libya, Syria and Russia. Dictatorships are no longer being accepted as a way of governing by the masses.. Women’s rights are part of the unrest, with extremely discriminatory and cruel practices being brought to light. China has been struggling with freedom issues for some time now but expect more demonstrations in that country that is also now strangely enough negatively impacted by the global economy. In America the word FREEDOM has many interpretations. The Occupy Movement will not go away in 2012. If political leaders do not listen to the voice of these demonstrators look for ordinary citizens to join with the members of the Occupy Movement to demand changes in lobbying methods, taxation, health care, election policies and financing, immigration, returning veterans rights, foreigh policy, national security, ending the war in Afghanistan and demanding stricter guidelines for future war involvement. Ending a war seems to be much more difficult than starting one, and the war in Afghanistan appears to have a life of its own. Now the war in Iraq has been declared to be officially over but the deaths and maiming of thousands of troops will not soon be forgotten. INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY will begin to receive the attention it deserves in 2012 and America’s cooperation and respect for the United nations will finally begin to increase as well. A good example of differing views of freedom is the use of cell phones in autos. Coorporate pressure will continue to hinder banning their use while driving. Too many people consider regulations an invasion of their privacy despite the many auto accidents and deaths they have caused. Smokers still ignore the dangers of second-hand smoke, even to their loved ones.

2012 also represents the half-way point in a nine-year cycle, which began with the year 2008. We arrive at Universal Year numbers by adding the current year from left to right. We will experience the year of COMPLETION in 2016. Then NEW BEGINNINGS will be the theme for 2017. Numbers don’t lie. They are “God’s Geometry” in action. All of the happenings that are causing so much anguish at this time will continue until the end of this cycle. The number 5 is the most dynamic of all the numbers. It acts as a catalyst for the numbers around it. OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE 5. It is a force capable of completing delayed or stalled projects. It rescues hopes and dreams. In order for you to better understand the power of numbers here is a brief interpretation of the meaning of the numbers 1 through 9. (all numbers reduce to a single digit eventually by adding them left to right):

(1) New beginnings, Originality, Strength.

(2) Patience, Cooperation, Diplomacy.

(3) Creative Expression, Joy, Inspiration.

(4) Foundation, Application, System.

(5) Change,Freedom, Flexibility.

(6) Love, Service, Responsibility.

(7) Introspection, Analysis, Intuition.

(8) Administration, Judgement, Materiality.

(9) Completion, Compassion, Understanding.

2012 then, is the year to think, not of dire possibilities, but GREAT POSSIBILITIES FOR THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY.. In order to be FLEXIBLE we must also have UNDERSTANDING of the needs of this magnificent planet and all who inhabit it. Otherwise our motivation will not give us the strength to face the challenges that we will continue to face in 2012. After all, 2011 has been a year of planetary suffering already. The recession began in 2008 so we have already survived three years of economic hardship at this point. THE SEVERITY OF EARTH CHANGES WILL DEPEND ON THE KIND OF THOUGHTS WE PRODUCE NOW, FOR THOUGHTS ARE THINGs. The more positive they are the more beneficial the happenings will be. Everything in existence is a form of THOUGHT and we are THOUGHTS of GOD. So it makes sense that the more we are in harmony with the Creator of all that is the more we can expect His benevolence. Isn’t that the way a parent treats a child? By rewarding positive actions with praise and reinforcement parents enjoy a more loving relationship with children.

The world we live in is perceived partly according to how old a person is. Young people have grown up in an environment of technical achievement with a focus on careers that pay the highest salaries rather than utilizing or developing talents that might help the planet and its inhabitants. They text messages using abbreviations and send equally brief emails. Yet they also chat endlessly on cell phones walking down the street, or unfortunately, driving their cars. Writing skills are not being developed, not to mention the spelling of words. Today’s music reflects a lack of real melody and lyrics that tell a meaningful story. But when a child grows up in this kind of world they have nothing else to compare to their kind of music or dance. Restaurants are noisy, another reflection of the times. Finally, legislation has been proposed to limit the decible level of television commercials, a real breakthrough. People and cars move fast now. Values are fast and loose. The world needs to slow down. IT’S AS THOUGH WE ARE SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL CULTURALLY TO MATCH THE FEARS REGARDING AN IMPENDING SHIFT OF THE EARTH’S AXIS IN 2012. The number 5 of 2012 carries energies that enhance a desire for freedom but freedom must contain certain boundaries, otherwise there is chaos. The 5 represents the five senses, which should not be indulged in to excess, otherwise chemical abuse, promiscuity and violence can ensue. Media accounts of people using high-powered weapons to slaughter groups of people senselessly are proof of this situation and 2012 will probably see an increase in these acts of violence. Many individuals can not handle the higher energies of the New Millennium and so we are witnessing a high number of suicides as well.

Religious fanatics are preparing for the “rapture”, a separation of good people versus sinners. I believe this planet has a long future. The history of the world is measured in cycles and the world is still relatively young and America is even younger. Now we are two thousand years away from the lifetime of Jesus, The Christ. The SECOND COMING is a coming reality. IT WILL OCCURR SOMETIME BETWEEN 50 TO 25 YEARS BEFORE THE END OF THIS CENTURY. This is why I believe that this planet will survive anything that transpires in 2012...and beyond. . We have to be around to experience some unfinished business on the part of Jesus The Christ. He will appear in a “light body” (an energy body) that will look like a dense physical body of flesh and blood. Jesus will be on the planet for a short time, probably a few weeks at most, and will be available to the media. He will appear in eight countries and will wear the familiar white robe, but will also wear contemporary clothing where it is appropriate. His purpose in coming back is “TO ALLOW MAN TO UNDERSTAND HIS OWN BEINGNESS, AND TO ALLOW HIMSELF TO BE IN THE PRESENCE OF HIS OWN DIVINITY. TO LET PEOPLE KNOW THAT THEY CAN DO ALL THINGS AND BE ALL THINGS, FOR THAT IS THEIR RIGHT”. To add to this incredible drama Jesus will INTRODUCE HIS SUCCESSOR. This “passing of the torch will be as incredulous as the Second Coming itself. Jesus’ mission on earth will be completed because he ESTABLISHED A PATTERN OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR FOR ALL MANKIND TO FOLLOW. Where does Paul Minar get his information regarding all of the above? From an incredible Ascended Master Teacher named Isabella, who made her transition in 2008 at the age of 83. I learned the Ancient Mystery School Teachings from her over a period of time that began in 1978. Yes, Ascended Masters do walk among us. They are so understated they are hardly noticed, but their wisdom , kindness and self- sacrifice give them away sooner or later, if you are willing to look deeper than their outward appearance. If the ancient process of communication known as “channeling” seems so terribly mystical, remember that all inventions and discoveries are the result of communication from unseen realities. You do it all the time. It’s called “inspiration”.


In order to achieve lasting peace all nations must come together in LOVE and TRUTH. Greed and selfishness must be replaced by sharing and selflessness. The FAMILY PRINCIPLE of coexistence can be applied to all nations, and in America by all states and cities as well. We strongly defend “family values” so why not expand that principle to include the United States and United Nations so that everything we do is for the collective good of all of humanity, that everything we do is expressed in TRUTH. Remember, “No one knows the truth until he is the truth”.

Contact Information: Paul G. Minar (530) 820-3129

Website: www.numbersbypaulminar.com

Email: personalnumbers@gmail.com

Order Paul’s book, “Numbers, The Energy Forces in Your Name” through IUniverse.com, Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.


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