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2012 Predictions by Phyllis King

Phyllis King Portrait

Predictions for 2012

The Year of the Revolution

2012 will bring powerful momentums around the globe. The momentums that begin in 2012 will last until 2015. This year begins a time of enormous lows, and enormous highs. The energy is shifting on the planet rapidly. The intention is for humanity to reclaim its spiritual identity. For many decades western culture has had a consumption mentality. We have mastered the art of consumption and lost contact with our inner guidance. As we have not listened well to the needs of our heart or the planet, our lessons are going to become more challenging and insistent.

This period of time is reminiscent of the 1960s when we had a re-birth of artistry and the birth of the civil rights movement. One of the biggest differences energetically is that many are in a poverty mindset completely clueless about how to create prosperity. The violence we see on the planet that wants to demand equality will be more insistent and more violent than anything we have seen before.

We will see record numbers of earthquakes around the globe. We expect earthquakes in San Francisco, but not in Alabama. That will be one of the oddities of 2012. Atypical weather patterns. We will see more tsunamis around the globe. We will see disasters with water, including floods and contaminated water. We will see more and more hurricanes in the fall.

In other areas, in the U.S. we are in an election year. I believe President Obama will be re elected by a narrow margin. What will be in his favor is his stable hand. Unfortunately for the GOP, they do not have any contenders who will cause the country to feel stable enough to vote him/her in. I do believe Mitt Romney will get nomination. Sarah Palin may make a surprise run at the last minute. The one thing President Obama has been good at in most people’s view is foreign affairs. Although the economy is still a HOT button issue, as 2012 rolls along, we will see unprecedented violence around the world, and in our country, by average citizens. It will be the commander and chief’s responsibility to calm the waters. Foreign affairs and attention to natural disasters will be very important. The instability on the planet will urge people to vote for “what they know” as opposed to what they don’t know. Risk will not be in people’s minds.

On the positive side of 2012, we will see incredible highs, and opportunities for financial gain. We have multiple patterns throughout the year that will give those who are choosing from integrity great opportunities to make money. We will also see a return to artistry and creativity. Remake movies will disappear, and artists will return to messages to inspire change.

This is also the year/era of the entrepreneur. Those who can do for themselves will find the greatest successes and rewards. So much of the momentums of 2012, 2013 and 2014 indicate that those who are connected to life purpose and contributing from the heart’s center will experience the greatest amount of benevolence in their lives. Those who cling to the patterns of yesterday, and try to re-create what once was, will continue to be traumatized.

This year is the beginning of a 3 year cycle that is forcing humanity to re-think consumption, career and prosperity. People first, money second, things third. Suze Orman’s great recipe for success has never been more true.

About Phyllis King

Phyllis King is reknown as a syndicated radio host. She has read over 10,000 people in 20

different countries. She has appeared on CBS TV, NBC TV, and radio programs across the country. She teaches psychic development and life mastery workshops around the country. She is the co author of Bouncing Back with Dr. Wayne Dyer, and her new book, The Heart of the Matter, A Journey to Wholeness.

Website: www.phyllisking.net


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