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2012 Predictions by Steffan Vanel

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Predictions for 2012

It is hard to believe that in some days it will be 2012, that ominous year that even had a Hollywood movie made for it.

I admit, I’ve had millennial fever since the early 70’s and have already passed through looking ahead to George Orwell’s 1984, the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, and the Y2K transition into the new millennium at 2000, with some degrees of heightened anticipation.

And now, in these past years, we have had 2012 to look towards.

As I am not an expert on the Mayan Calendar, and anyone who investigates the opinions of the various experts discovers a myriad of conjectures of what the end of the Mayan Calendar in 2012 will manifest, I will limit myself to the major Astrological events arising next year.

Of course we all, especially in the U.S., are wondering what will happen in the 2012 Presidential election. Astrologically the period between 2012 – 2015 is a mega-intense period of transformation for the planet. Whoever is at the helm of the ship in the U.S. during that time period will be critical to the fate of the planet in that time period.

When the Republican challenger is finally determined I will analyze their chart and send it out as a newsletter and post it on my website.

In the meantime I tried using my Tarot cards as I did in the last Presidential election, to ask how each of the Democratic candidates would be feeling on the day after the election and how each of the Republican candidates would be feeling. Last time I did this I used the obvious indication that the Democrats would be feeling way more cheery that the Republicans to predict a Democratic victory.

This time the answer was more complex, at least thus far. When I ask questions of the Tarot on the behalf of my clients I often tell them that sometimes the cards answer your question, and sometimes they, instead, show you what they feel you need to know in relation to whatever it is in you that feels the need to ask the question. I always leave that choice up to them.

Well, the answer I got was more about what it is for us, or perhaps us who, like myself, would prefer Obama to win, to contemplate a Democratic victory, and what it is for us to contemplate a Republican victory.

Both cards were Major Arcana Initiation cards. For us to contemplate a Democratic victory was: The Hanged Man, the initiation corresponding to the planet Neptune, where you must surrender to your deepest inner ocean of your deepest inner feelings, washing away the rational, mental, thinking identity, where the only thing holding you up is the cross of Eternal Life. This card is, basically, a spiritual surrender.

To contemplate a Republican victory is the initiation of Adjustment or Justice, the initiation where you must face the Goddess of Justice, who insists that you place every thought, every feeling and every action on the scales, for each one to be weighed, balanced, judged and assessed as to where is it really coming from. Is it coming from your love and your faith in yourself, and life, and the Spirit behind life, or is it coming from your fear and your lack of faith in yourself, and Life, and the Spirit behind Life.

Basically this card entails a ‘Test of Faith’ and I admit, the mere contemplation of any of the current Republican candidates as president is a large test of my own faith, a test of my faith that, if that were to come to pass, it must somehow be part of the karmic Divine Plan in the unfoldment of things. Athough I will be sorely tempted to immediately look for a Canadian soul mate!

Astrologically, Barack Obama has a mix of positive/supportive and difficult/challenging aspects next year, notably on his Jupiter in Aquarius. Jupiter in Aquarius in positive aspect is the ability to bring together conflicting groups of people and inspire love and brotherhood between them.

In difficult aspect it is the likelihood of sudden, unexpected ruptures and changes testing one’s ability to keep faith and ‘roll with the punches’ of life. We can expect both of these occurrences for our President in the next year.

The one thing which stands out quite strongly for me when contemplating Barack Obama’s Astrological journey is the fact that his Progressed Sun, the movement of his identity through the chart, is now at the 2nd degree of the sign Libra. This is the exact same degree as the Mid-Heaven of the U.S. Astrological chart, and thus Obama’s Progressed Sun is moving into the 10th House of the U.S., the house of work, career, ‘role in the world’, This gives me a sense that it may well be his destiny to manifest his own identity in such a way that it has an affect on the role of the U.S. in the world at large, not only for the next four years, but for many years to come.

The Big Astrological Events of 2012

There are a few things that one should definitely note in the Astrological weather patterns of 2012. One is Neptune, which dipped into Pisces in April of this year until moving back into Aquarius in August, will once again go back into Pisces in February of 2012 and remain there until 2025.

This is something I have already written about at some length in my Predictions for 2011 which you can review here on this website.

There are two other highly significant events taking place in June of next year. In fact, June looks more like the Astrological ‘hotspot’ of 2012 than the December 21st end of the Mayan Calendar. First there will be an ‘occultation’ of the Sun by Venus, when Venus passes directly across the face of the Sun. This happens approximately every 121 years but in pairs of transits 8 years apart. This is the second of the pair, the first being in 2004.

Symbolically this is a death/rebirth of the emotional, feeling aspect of ourselves, and a capacity for real love, or a revealing of the darker aspects of our emotional needs and desires that keep us from real love.

These Venus occultations are always in Gemini and Sagittarius having to do with communicating knowledge.

In the same month of June the first of the seven Pluto/Uranus squares occurring between 2012 and 2015 will take place.

It is these squares which inspired my prediction for 2012 – 2015 being a time period of major change and transformation on the planet.

The themes of these planetary influences have already been in play and I have written about these themes quite frequently in the past.

Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 and I used that to predict that that would lead to a major transformation of the way we live materially on this planet. having a deep effect upon the authoritative political, corporate structures that dominate and control our material life, and quite likely have a profound effect on the world economy. Well we all know what began in 2008, but Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2025, so we have a ways to go.

There are factors indicating a potential stabilizing of the U.S. economy, but this material/ economic transformation theme is what Pluto is working on as he enters into these tense squares with Uranus.

Uranus has recently moved out of Pisces and into the sign Aries, a fiery willful energy which often has the need to learn to control violent, aggressive tendencies. Uranus is sudden freedom from old patterns that have outlived their purpose.

Pluto and Uranus have already been within orb of this square for some time and this sudden, aggressive overthrow of entrenched structures that have outlived their purpose, or the violent counter-attack of those structures, is apparent in various successes and failures of the Arab Spring, as well as the Occupy Wall Street movements. It’s just that the exact squares, two in 2012, one in June and one in September, are likely to bring about some critical peaks of this kind of transformational encounters.

The feisty Uranus in Aries will have moved fully into the U.S. 4th House, house of home, family, roots, sanctuary, as it squares Pluto in our 1st House of self-image. It should make for a pretty intense, if not somewhat scary election season, but will force people to look much deeper into who we think we are, and engage the energized freedom to speak out for that.

Of course these squares are likely to be hitting something in your own chart. For a hint on that I would like to finish with a couple quotes by Astrologer Alan Oken. At a lecture he gave in Seattle this year he said that Pluto says: Change…or die! To which Uranus says: ‘Yeah, right!’

This is to say that Pluto and Uranus actually like each other in that they both are profoundly dedicated to change and transformation. But when I asked Alan about the upcoming Pluto/Uranus squares he said: “Well, just because Pluto and Uranus like each other doesn’t necessarily mean that they are going to like you!”

As Hilarion says regarding Pluto:

The planet Pluto in Astrology pertains to that which brings changes into the life – changes in attitude, changes in outlook, changes in the approach to certain areas. The changes indicated by Pluto in the chart are unavoidable and can be absolutely counted on to take place. In the case of most individuals, the changes come about “by force”, i.e. they are resisted by the individual and must be rammed home by the implacable and irresistible force of events. When resistance is shown to such changes, the experiences are inevitably harder and more painful than they would have been if the individual had “seen the writing on the wall” as it were, and had voluntarily stepped in the direction in which the events were trying to move him. –Astrology Plus by Hilarion/M.B. Cooke

About Steffan Vanel

Steffan Vanel is the author of The Astrological Karma of the USA, and: Charles & Diana: The Inside Story: An Astrological-Karmic View. He is known internationally for his unique synthesis of Astrology, the Tarot, Kabbalah, and Jungian Psychology. He is a primary exponent of the Karmic Astrology channeled from the Ascended Master Hilarion. Steffan does short readings for immediate answers to specific questions/decisions as well as in-depth psychological/spiritual-karmic readings. He publishes articles of timely interest on his website: www.spiritualcompany.com and sends out an email newsletter. 



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